Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm back(:

Soooo, I haven't done this in a while, but I've come to realize that I really need to.. Because I HAVE to get my feelings out somehow before I explode on someone..
Have you ever had one of those days where everyone seems to hate you, and all you want to do is run away? Well I've had one of those days for the past couple of days.. It'll be all perfect until I come home and... BAMM! Someone says something or does something that is just flat out rude or hurtful to me in someway.. or sometimes it's just plain annoying..
Like tonight for instance, I went to go take a bath and my older sister was in there so I asked her when she'll be out and she said, "when I want to", so I was like okay well can I take the shampoo so I can take a shower in the other bathroom? And she says, "No I haven't used it yet", so I asked her, "Well can you use it really quickly so that I can take it? It's late and I need to take a shower and get to bed". She said no... So I called to my Mom to ask if she could make her just use it really quickly so I can take it, and she didn't do anything.. lately I feel like no one cares about me and if my feelings are hurt... so what did I do? I took the lid off of a hairspray bottle and put some freaking shampoo in it so I could go take my shower... come to find out, I was the last one to shower, and my shower was ICE COLD! Ughhhh, I'm going to bed now, because it's better than staying up and having to hear anyone say anything else that'll bug me.. goodnight.

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