Wednesday, April 13, 2011

So this is how it has to be...

April 12th, 2011...around 1:20am: My great great grandma passed away. What a strong, beautiful, wonderful person.. 99 years old and she was one of the most beautiful people I've ever met.. inside and out. It's a sad sad time for the whole family, but at the same time, I know she's in a better place, and I know she's watching down on me today. I just wish that everyone could live forever.. no pain.. no aging.. just life. But God knows what he's doing and he knows it was her time to go.. I love you Grandma Edick.. Rest in Beautiful, wonderful sleep.
~Caitlin Janese Troxel

Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm back(:

Soooo, I haven't done this in a while, but I've come to realize that I really need to.. Because I HAVE to get my feelings out somehow before I explode on someone..
Have you ever had one of those days where everyone seems to hate you, and all you want to do is run away? Well I've had one of those days for the past couple of days.. It'll be all perfect until I come home and... BAMM! Someone says something or does something that is just flat out rude or hurtful to me in someway.. or sometimes it's just plain annoying..
Like tonight for instance, I went to go take a bath and my older sister was in there so I asked her when she'll be out and she said, "when I want to", so I was like okay well can I take the shampoo so I can take a shower in the other bathroom? And she says, "No I haven't used it yet", so I asked her, "Well can you use it really quickly so that I can take it? It's late and I need to take a shower and get to bed". She said no... So I called to my Mom to ask if she could make her just use it really quickly so I can take it, and she didn't do anything.. lately I feel like no one cares about me and if my feelings are hurt... so what did I do? I took the lid off of a hairspray bottle and put some freaking shampoo in it so I could go take my shower... come to find out, I was the last one to shower, and my shower was ICE COLD! Ughhhh, I'm going to bed now, because it's better than staying up and having to hear anyone say anything else that'll bug me.. goodnight.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We're moving in(:

I'm soooo excited about this new house we're getting.
We get the keys on May 1st I believe. And I can't wait(:

And the best part about it??


Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Room??

Ahhh!! My family and I are in the middle of buying a new house, finally! And we're all really joyful about it all. And I've been looking all over the place to figure out what I'm going to paint my room and designg my room like... well, I think I found it(: 

Isn't this just amazing?!(: I'm think I'm starting to fall in love with it..

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Bit About Me(:

Sooo, my name is Caitlin Janese Troxel, I'm 15 years young, and a sophmore at Homedale High School. I've lived in Homedale almost my whole life. Most people don't know what Homedale is, thats okay. It's a really small town in Idaho, population 2,528, but whose counting, right?
My life story could easily be published into an award winning novel.
And here it goes,
I have 5 people in my family, my mom(Teresa), dad(Joe), Chelsea, Alyssa, Me, and our dog Annabelle.

I guess it all starts when I was in first grade, life was pretty much as good as it gets for me, until I found out that I was almost blind, so I had my first surgery, my eye surgery. But now I have perfect vision, so I guess it was worth it. About a year after that I had my apendix out, then a month later, my tonsils. So I've had my fair share of hospital visits. 
Right about then is when my life really fell apart.. My parents got a divorce, my mom got remarried to a guy I didn't like, my dad got into drugs and a barely got to see him and, oh ya, my mom moved me to Caldwell, away from all of my friends and family in Homedale. In Caldwell, I went to Valley View for my 5th and 6th grade year and moved twice durring that time. My stepdad, Rick, seemed like he was good for us, but I soon realized that the only reason I really liked him was because of all of the material things that came with him being my stepdad. We ended up buying a really nice house in Nampa where it seemed to be almost perfect...key word there, ALMOST. Nothing was ever perfect..
Rick ended up leaving us and moving to Oregon for a "job". Then kinda basicly forgot about us, and we lost everything..
We moved back to Homedale, my mom working as hard as she could as a single mom with three daughters.. and during the time my mom was re-married, my dad went to rehab and got clean(:
There was this one time when my mom kinda crashed and we couldn't afford to live at the house we were living at so we went to live with my aunt Tami and her family....that lasted about a week until my mom and aunt got into this huge fight and beat eachother up.. so that night my mom took us to my dads' house so she could figure things out, and it was that night that my parents realized they still love eachother and are meant to be together, so they told us they're dating! Which made me very happy.
They got married about two years ago, and we moved again(but still in Homedale).
My dad has been clean for a long time now, I can't remember how long though. And right now everythings good(: and we're trying to buy a house.. THAT HAS AN UNDERGROUND POOL! We find out either today, or Monday if we get it(:
And that's my story...well half of it anyways.